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The Biz Booster Course
Welcome to The Biz Booster!
Welcome! (6:45)
Module 1: Mindset
Lesson 1: Finding your Why (5:22)
Lesson 2: Imposter Syndrome w/ Domi The Authenticity Coach (38:33)
Lesson 3: Becoming an Authority (3:13)
Lesson 4: Money Mindset w/ Nataly Marie (30:14)
Module 2: The Foundation
Lesson 5: Setting Business Boundaries for OSPs (8:03)
Lesson 6: Responsibilities of a OSP (4:53)
Lesson 7: Market Research (6:07)
Module 3: The Framework
Lesson 8: Packages, Pricing & Retainers (9:33)
Lesson 9: Bookkeeping w/ Megan Evans (38:59)
Lesson 10: Client Experience (6:50)
Lesson 11: Clickup & Backend systems w/ Amber Knutson (31:53)
Lesson 12: Your "Plan B" (6:46)
Lesson 13: Your product suite + Client Journey (14:35)
Module 4: Marketing Your Business
Lesson 14: Lead Generation Workshop w/ Maddie Eddi (124:33)
Lesson 15: Lead Generation (With Me) (14:04)
Lesson 16: Launch Strategies (62:01)
Lesson 17: Content for Sales
Lesson 18: Sassy Content for Visibility + Authority w/ Kelsey (23:45)
Lesson 19: Becoming a "Stand-out OSP" (29:06)
Lesson 20: Sales Psychology w/ Bella (56:21)
Module 5: Securing Sales through Stories
Lesson 21: Best practices for Stories
Lesson 22: Market Research in Stories
Lesson 23: Building Authority through Stories
Lesson 24: Selling in Stories
Module 6: Securing Sales in the DMs
Lesson 25: Securing Sales in the DMs (11:21)
Module 7: Instagram Growth
Lesson 26: Creating viral content (14:04)
Lesson 27: Reels for Growth (7:22)
Lesson 28: IG Hashtags 101 (5:00)
IG Growth Training
Module 8: Pinterest Marketing
Lesson 29: Setting up Pinterest (9:04)
Lesson 30: Keywords, Rich Pins & Board Descriptions
Lesson 31: Tailwind - Automation (20:32)
Lesson 32: Setting Up Rich Pins (4:44)
Module 9 - TikTok for Viral content
Lesson 33: TikTok Marketing (6:51)
Module 10: Facebook Community Management
Lesson 34: Facebook Community Management (2:21)
Module 11: Putting together your unique method
Lesson 35: Putting together your unique method (4:20)
Module 12: High-Ticket Sales
Lesson 36: High Ticket Sales w/ Nicole Taylor (70:55)
Module 15: Book your 1:1 call with me!
Book your call
What's Next?
What's Next?
Lesson 30: Keywords, Rich Pins & Board Descriptions
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